UW Population Health Institute Releases the 2021 Wisconsin Population Health and Equity Report Card

Please the following message from the Director of the Population Health Institute, Dr. Sheri Johnson:

The 2021 Wisconsin Population Health and Equity Report Card is Now Available.


Dear colleagues and partners, 

I am proud to share the 2021 Wisconsin Population Health and Equity Report Card. In it, we draw attention to how Wisconsin’s health compares to the nation as a whole by measuring the state’s progress toward improving health and eliminating disparities. It is a call to action to better understand the health of our communities and implement strategies to create conditions that allow all people to have a fair and just chance to lead the healthiest lives possible.

This report underscores our commitment to advancing equity through science, evidence, and conceptual frameworks by bringing community priorities to the forefront, addressing the complexity of historical context, power dynamics, and identities in shaping health and equity. With this report, we hope to spark curiosity and commitment to explore new ways of understanding the health of the people of Wisconsin and to name what it takes to achieve health equity in Wisconsin.  

We hope the 2021 Report Card can be a resource for your work as part of our collective effort towards policies and systems change in Wisconsin. Thank you for your partnerships, your expertise, and your support as we work together to ensure policies and systems support everyone’s opportunity to thrive.  


Sheri Johnson, PhD

Director, Population Health Institute

Associate Professor (CHS), Department of Population Health Sciences University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health