Translational Partners Panel

To support the translation of UWPRC’s research findings into public health practice, the Center will establish a Translational Partners Panel (TPP) to collaborate with and advise the Center on translation related activities. Comprised of statewide partners and stakeholders, and in partnership with the UWPRC Community Advisory Board (CAB), the TPP will:

  • Identify additional translation partners to provide input into research products;
  • Advise on communication plans for research products;
  • Advise on potential dissemination and institutionalization partners;
  • Advise on translation packaging; and
  • Ensure that health equity considerations are part of all translation efforts.

Current Translational Partners Panel

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Lifecourse Initiative for Healthy Families (LIHF)

LIHF is an initiative from the Wisconsin Partnership Program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. They pilot capacity building strategies, increase awareness, and build infrastructure using community based, culturally appropriate resources within the African American community.

Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association (WPHCA)

The WPHCA is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1982 to provide technical assistance to Wisconsin’s community, homeless, and migrant health centers. They work towards a future free of health disparities by offering primary care access to all regardless of their ability to pay, encouraging patient involvement, and providing a stable medical home for all life stages.

Public Health Madison & Dane County

Public Health Madison & Dane County is the local health department that serves all people of Dane County. They serve as a partner for community initiatives to improve health across the county, including initiatives to ensure access to care, improve health of moms & babies, reduce drug harm & violence, and support healthy bodies & minds.

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board

The Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board was created by the State Legislature in 1983 as the lead state agency on child abuse and neglect prevention efforts. The board consists of representatives from the Legislature, Governor’s Office, state Departments of Children and Families, Health Services, Public Instruction, Justice and Corrections; community-based organizations and public members. ​​The board partners with organizations throughout the state to conduct newborn home visits, parent education, and prevention programs for abusive head trauma and child sexual abuse. They also provide professional development resources and makes recommendations for state policies and legislation.

Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards (WALHDAB)

WALHDAB is a 501(c)6 organization with a governing board. The regions represented are aligned with the Department of Health Services – Division of Public Health. WAHLDAB unites local health departments to establish a common voice for Wisconsin public health, formulate a legislative agenda, educate members regarding public health issues, and review the status of key issues. 

Wisconsin Head Start Association

Wisconsin Head Start Association (WSHA) is a network of 39 grantees serving all 72 counties across the state by providing support, trainings, representation, and advocacy work to Head Start member programs. In 2018, Wisconsin Head Start had over 16,000 low-income children enrolled. 

Wisconsin Medicaid

Wisconsin Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides high-quality health care coverage, long-term care, and other services to over one million Wisconsin residents. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services oversees Medicaid, the single largest program in the state budget, for Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds

The Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds is a state agency founded in 1967 responsible for administering Wisconsin Retirement System pension, health insurance, and other benefits for eligible current and former government employees and retirees.

United Way of Wisconsin

United Way is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in the United States, with individually funded local chapters, including 41 across Wisconsin. The local chapters of United Way use funds to address unique and most pressing needs of the communities they serve, including the statewide 2-1-1 Wisconsin and the Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) initiative.