From the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health:
This program supports interdisciplinary team science to advance novel research and education approaches to target complex health problems while advancing health, health care, and health equity in Wisconsin and beyond.
Grant awards: Grant awards are up to $600,000 over three years. The Partnership Education and Research Committee expects to award up to three grants during the 2023 grant cycle.
Applicant eligibility: The primary project team is composed of one Principal Investigator (PI) and one or two Co-principal Investigators and must include two or more of the following disciplines: basic, clinical, education, informatics/data, population, social/behavioral, and/or translational sciences. In addition, the team may include a number of collaborators consistent with the scope of the project.
Principal Investigator Fluxx registration deadline: February 9, 2023 at 11:59 pm
Preliminary application submission deadline: February 14, 2023