Call for applications: Thriving Earth Exchange and University of Wisconsin Partner for Community Science

Communities located in Wisconsin may submit an application below to participate in the April cohort until March 1, 2022. 

Meanwhile, communities located elsewhere in the United States may submit an application to participate in the July 2022 cohort until June 1, 2022.

Thriving Earth Exchange is pleased to partner with the University of Wisconsin’s UniverCity Alliance to launch a cohort of community science projects in Wisconsin in April 2022. UW and AGU share interests, value the principles of community science, and prioritize furthering the practice of sustainability. The partnership will connect Wisconsin communities with scientists and technical experts and support them as they work together to tackle local challenges related to natural hazards, natural resources and climate change. Communities located in Wisconsin may submit an application to participate in the cohort until March 1, 2022. 

Learn more and submit here.