CCHE: Research Agreement Template for Research with Community-Based Organizations and Tribes

Please see the following message from the ICTR Collaborative Center for Health Equity (CCHE):

We are pleased to share an updated version of our Research Agreement template as a resource to those new to establishing research partnerships with non-UW entities.

Our template was created in collaboration with the UW Office of Legal Affairs and reflects information commonly relied on for UW research contracts. Importantly, not all community-campus partnerships require inclusion of all of the UW language available; some contracts require adding unique information. For example, our template explicitly reflects language intended to acknowledge and protect cultural knowledge and also sovereignty. It aligns with and reinforces our UW System Tribal consultation policy, too.

Find the updated research agreement template here.

We hope this technical assistance resource is useful to preparing for and establishing research partnerships! Let us know if you/your colleagues (in research and business offices) find it helpful, and we’re always interested in how it’s used. We’re available for consultation any time at
