CCHE Building Trust Program

Greetings, Friends of the UW CCHE Building Trust Program,

We’re pleased to share that the next Building Trust Workshop will be held in Fall 2021! This offering will be delivered virtually over the course of 4 weeks and will include both:

  • Synchronous Zoom Sessions – Fridays in October-November: 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, and 11/19 from 9-11:15am CST
  • Asynchronous Activities – “on your own” thought provoking activities to be completed between sessions

As prior participants are aware, this educational workshop was created specifically for Wisconsin-based researchers and research team members to strengthen their capacity to respectfully recruit and retain participants typically underrepresented in research. Through an interactive curriculum, we explore a range of perspectives and tools such as design methods and cultural humility. This Fall 2021 session is offered in collaboration with the Center for Community Engagement and Health Partnerships based in Milwaukee, directed by Gina Green-Harris. We encourage all researchers – including clinical researchers – to consider joining us!

Please share with your colleagues who may find this training opportunity useful.

Click Here to Register!

Contact Susan Passmore with any questions about the Fall 2021 session or the Building Trust Initiative.