Call for papers: Preventing Chronic Disease

PCD Looking to Publish Papers on COVID-19 and Chronic Diseases

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is currently seeking papers on COVID-19 and chronic diseases to appear in a special collection entitled “COVID-19 & Chronic Diseases: Burden, Access to Care, Community Engagement, and Partnerships”.

PCD will provide feedback to authors about the journal’s interest in the proposed paper and guidance on what information is needed.

Articles (manuscripts) should be submitted to PCD on or before Friday, October 1, 2021. All articles submitted in response to this call for papers will be reviewed and, if accepted, published on a rolling basis. All published articles will be presented as a PDF collection accessible on the journal’s website.

Examples of suggested paper topics and additional information about this call for papers is available in the “Announcements” section of the PCD website. We look forward to reading your submissions.

Please contact with any questions.