Several Wisconsin organizations are using Community Health Workers (CHW) to improve the health of their communities.
“Community health workers are not medical professionals, but they serve as a bridge to services, including health care, prenatal care, food assistance and housing. They are delivering “culturally congruent care,” meaning they often live and work in the communities they serve. Often these are Black and brown communities in cities, or rural areas that include both low-income individuals of all races, including migrant workers. And in the middle of a global pandemic with a disproportionate impact on people of color, they often are a trusted source of information for people who are suspicious of medical systems because of historic racism and other factors that make health care less accessible.”
Read the full Wisconsin Examiner article, which also talks about UWPRC partners who use CHWs, here.
Read more about the UWPRC’s project “Building a Public Health Reserve with Community Health Workers” here.
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