AAP urges parents to make sure the baby sleeps on a flat – not inclined – surface during sleep and strongly discourages bedsharing
The American Academy of Pediatrics emphasizes the need for infants to sleep on their backs on flat noninclined surfaces without soft bedding and details the risks of bed-sharing under various scenarios within its first update to safe infant sleep recommendations since 2016.
The policy statement promotes human milk feeding and tummy time, and also addresses questions about popular products such as home cardiorespiratory monitors, which are not recommended as a strategy to prevent sudden infant death syndrome.
The policy statement, “Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2022 Recommendations for Reducing Infant Deaths in the Sleep Environment,” will be published in the July 2022 Pediatrics. The statement is accompanied by a technical report that provides the evidence base for updated recommendations, which apply to children up to 1 year old. The policy statement and technical report was published online June 21.
Read more here.