Spotlight: Introducing 2020 State Health Assessment

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What is the State Health Assessment?

The goal of the 2020-2025 State Health Assessment (SHA) is to Paint the Picture of Wisconsin’s Health. The SHA process followed the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) framework to assess the health conditions, determinants of health and community assets in our state and to collect information across the state about barriers and opportunities for community health improvement. The SHA report is grounded in input from thousands of community members in 74 community conversations across the state and the work of many partners and community organizations.

The MAPP framework incorporated four assessments:

  • Community Health Status Assessment which provides quantitative information on community health conditions, and consists of primary and secondary data.
  • Community Themes and Assets Assessment which focuses on qualitative information about issues that are important to the community members and assets available in the community.
  • Public Health System Assessment which measures how partners work together, and includes public health systems and non-health sector partners.
  • Forces of Change Assessment which identifies external forces that affect communities as well as opportunities and threats associated with those forces.

We want to hear from you!

  • How can we ensure every Wisconsinite has the opportunity to live their best life and achieve their full potential? Take the public input survey after reviewing the SHA report and have your voice heard!

Next steps for the State Health Plan:

  • The SHA public input process will continue for three weeks. We invite you to review the full draft report or parts of the report most relevant to you and your community and share your thoughts with us by using this survey. The survey will close November 19, 2021.
  • We will incorporate your feedback and publish the final report by the end of the year.
  • After the process and report are finalized, we will begin the planning and prioritization for the next 2023-2028 State Health Improvement Plan based on all of the information collected during the SHA process.


The Department of Health Services (DHS) is required to produce a state health plan for the people of Wisconsin at least every 10 years (Wisconsin Statutes section 250.07(1)(a)). These plans, developed with the help of partners and communities from around the state, have served as a public health roadmap for the last three decades.
In pursuit of accreditation, and increased impact and effectiveness, the state health plan is now on a new cycle. It builds on the foundation of our past state health plan, Healthiest Wisconsin 2020. The state health plan is a continuous process with a new state health assessment and health improvement plan once every 5 years:

  • The Wisconsin Health Assessment provides an overview of the health of the people of Wisconsin and summarizes the data that guides the selection of the priorities for the state health improvement plan.
  • The Wisconsin Health Improvement Plan focuses on these priorities and works to create and support solutions for better health, with strategies and measures, for collective action by public health partners across Wisconsin.

Our goal is to continue to build upon the community efforts of HW2020 to improve health in every Wisconsin community. This process needs you and your input.

For more information about WI-HIPP and how you can get involved:
