Workshop: Innovative Models of Care for Reducing Inequities in Maternal Health

SEPTEMBER 29, 2020

On Tuesday, September 29, 2020 from 8AM to 2:45PM CT, the National Institute for Nursing Research (NINR) will hold a virtual workshop on innovative models of care for reducing inequities in maternal health. The workshop will explore how nurses, midwives, and birth companions can improve maternal and infant health, specifically for women in U.S. communities affected by structural and health inequalities. This event will be available to join via NIH VideoCastRegistration is not required.

Research Questions:

  • What is the impact of alternative birth settings and community-based providers on maternal and infant health?
  • What are the elements of culturally responsive, patient-centered care that are safe, effective, and respectful?
  • What factors are important for the success of collaborative care in birth settings?
  • What are the structural barriers that inhibit women from health disparity groups from seeking health care during pregnancy?
  • What models, traditional and non-traditional, exist to address attainment of health literacy for health disparity populations during pregnancy and delivery and post-partum?
  • What can existing health systems learn from community health workers to enhance equity, safety, and respect for pregnant women?

See the agenda and learn more at the NINR website here.