The UWPRC is continuing to build racial equity into our work and research as best as we can. Part of this process includes looking to healthy equity resources to inform our work. We have compiled resources from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and are developing some of our own resources listed below.
We recognize that our community partners who are centering racial and health equity in their work are already using resources or have built resources around health equity. So we want to hear from you, our community partners. What tools and resources on racial and health equity would you like to see us use? If you have resources, tools, or other suggestions to share, please send them to us at or submit in the text box below.
Current Resources
- What is Health Equity? And What Difference Does a Definition Make? (RWJF)
- A Toolkit for Centering Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration (AISP)
- Health Impact in 5 Years (CDC)
- Addressing Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities: A Vital Direction for Health and Health Care (Adler et al)
- A Framework for Public Health Action: The Health Impact Pyramid (Frieden)
- Implementation Science and its Application to Population Health (Lobb and Colditz)
- Public Health 3.0: A Call to Action for Public Health to Meet the Challenges of the21st Century (DeSalvo et al)
- National Institutes of Health Approaches to Dissemination and Implementation Science: Current and Future Directions (Glasgow et al)
- Economic Evaluation Enhances Public Health Decision Making (Rabarison et al)
- An Organizing Framework for Translation in Public Health: The Knowledge to Action Framework (Wilson et al)
- Principles of Community Engagement Second Edition (NIH)
- Applying the Knowledge to Action (K2A) Framework: Questions to Guide Planning (CDC)
- What Predicts Dissemination Efforts Among Public Health Researchers in the United States? (Tabak et al)
- Standards of Evidence for Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Scale-up Research in Prevention Science: Next Generation (Gottfredson et al)
- Building capacity for evidence-based public health: Reconciling the pulls of practice and the push of research (Brownson et al)
- Implementation research: what it is and how to do it (Peters et al)
- Healthy People 2020
- The Future of the Public’s Health in the 21st Century (Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Assuring the Health of the Public in the 21st Century)
- HHS Strategic Goal 2: Protect the Health of Americans Where They Live, Learn, Work, and Play
- FrameWorks Toolkits
- Racial Equity Tools