Below, we have compiled a list of scientific reports and articles about emerging research related to COVID-19. We will continue to add more readings to this list. The UWPRC is not involved in any of the research articles listed here.
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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR): Novel Coronavirus Reports
MMWR is a series of weekly reports prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to the CDC, it is “the agency’s primary vehicle for scientific publication of timely, reliable, authoritative, accurate, objective, and useful public health information and recommendations.” As with any research, there are limitations based on the type of data used, missing data, etc. Please read the full reports for research methods and relevant limitations.
How COVID-19 Is Placing Vulnerable Children at Risk and Why We Need a Different Approach to Child Welfare
Due to the pandemic, large disruptions in social care affect minorities, low-income, and unstable families on a large scale. Social distancing and isolation further increases risk of child abuse in already unstable homes. Authors discuss the need for systemic changes within child welfare systems. Read the article here.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: Study finds no change in Preterm Birth or Still Birth in Philadelphia During Pandemic Period
This study did not detect significant changes in preterm or stillbirth rates during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in a racially diverse urban cohort from 2 Philadelphia hospitals. Although these data allow for disaggregation of spontaneous and medically indicated preterm births, no differences in overall rates of these phenotypes were detected.
These findings differ from a Danish report of decreasing preterm birth rates and higher stillbirth rates in a UK hospital during the pandemic. The differences between studies may be due to differences in enforcement of lockdown orders, population heterogeneity, access to health care, or societal stressors.
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