The University of Wisconsin–Madison Prevention Research Center (UWPRC) has been awarded $5 million in grant funding for the next five years from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to facilitate community-engaged research addressing …
Infant Health
Infant Mortality in the United States, 2022: Data From the Period Linked Birth/Infant Death File
To improve maternal and child health, include fathers
DHS Launches Maternal and Child Health Needs Survey to Gather Community Feedback
Cooperative Newborn Screening System Priorities Program Funding (HRSA)
DHS Encourages Pregnant Wisconsinites To Get RSV Vaccine (WI DHS)
UW-Madison School of Nursing Recruiting for Perinatal Research
DHS Releases New Reports on Infant Deaths in Wisconsin
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) released two new Wisconsin Perinatal Periods of Risk (PPOR) reports on birth outcomes highlighting risk factors contributing to infant death, and how to best reduce and address significant …
Solicitation of Nominations for Membership To Serve on the Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality
From the Federal Register: HRSA is seeking nominations of qualified candidates for consideration for appointment as members of the Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality (ACIMM or Committee). ACIMM advises the Secretary of HHS …