Benson, M., Johnson, M., Yang, A.
Background: Leukemia is the tenth most common cancer in the United States, and there were 22,840 leukemia-related deaths in 2019.
Methods: We examined differences and trends in leukemia mortality by age, gender, race, and ethnicity in Wisconsin from 1999-2016 using CDC WONDER.
Results: Overall mortality is slowly decreasing. Higher mortality rates were seen in men compared to women. Mortality increased with age. Whites had a higher mortality rate among racial groups. Mortality was higher in non-Hispanic or Latinx compared to those who identify as Hispanic or Latinx.
Discussion: The differences we found in mortality align with previous literature. Further study on leukemia might focus on survival or upstream factors rather than mortality due to leukemia having few modifiable risk factors.
July, 20, 2020